DP&T D.O. No. 20/48/97-CS.II dated 20th January, 1998.
The consolidated orders concerning entitlement of personal staff of Ministers were issued by this Departments O.M.No.8/3/92-CS.II dated January 14, 1994. It was stipulated specifically in our O.M.No.8/5/85-CS.II dated August 6, 1991 that no additional staff, even on informal basis, should be drawn from the main establishment of the Ministry/Department concerned for performing duties of the personal staff of the Ministers. Despite these instructions, it has been noticed that additional staff has been provided to the Ministers above their entitlement on an informal basis.
2. You will appreciate that the practice of subordinate staff from the Ministry and subordinate offices being attached with Minsters Office has an adverse impact on the operations of the Ministry as the Ministry is deprived of the services of its best personnel, who compete with each other to work in the Office of the Minster. In addition, this creates extra points of contact in the Office of the Minster which more often than not is likely to compromise both the security and the confidentiality of that office, quite apart from generating unwarranted pressures. This situation is neither proper nor health, and deserves to be strongly discouraged.
3. In order to curb the malaise, it has been decided at the level of PM to take the following remedial measures immediately:-
4. Action taken in pursuance of the above may kindly be intimated to me by February 15, 1998.