No. 21011/263/9681-Estt. (Allowances)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
(Department of Personnel and Training)

New Delhi, the 20th January, 1997

New Delhi, 31st. March, 94


Subject: Delegation of Powers to Ministries/ Departments in the field of honorarium payable under FR 46 (b)- clarification regarding.

The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. No.17011/9/85- Estt. (Allowances), dated 23.12.85 laying down the delegation of powers to Ministries/ Departments and Heads of Departments in the field of honorarium payable under FR 46(b) and to say that the monetary limits on payment of honorarium as prescribed therein are still in force and there has been no revision in the maximum amount of honorarium payable to a Govt. Servant during a year.

2. Instances have come to the notice of this Department where payment of honorarium exceeding Rs.5000/- has been made during a year on the plea that the limit of Rs. 5000/- is applicable to each item of work separately. It is clarified that the total amount of honorarium payable to a Govt. Servant during a financial year is limited to Rs. 5000/- under the powers delegated to the Ministries/ Departments/ C & A G of India and to Rs.2500/- under the powers of Heads of Deptts. These limits can not be exceeded in any case by treating different items of work or same item of work performed at different times of the year as separate for the purpose of calculating the entitlement of honorarium.

3. As already reiterated vide this Department’s O.M. No.17020/1/91- Estt. (Allowances) dated 18.11.91 (copy enclosed), Ministries/ Departments should strictly follow the guidelines contained in FR 46(b) while considering the grant of honorarium.

4. Hindi version is enclosed.



To: All Ministries/ Department of Government of India (as per standard list)

Copy to:- Comptroller & Auditor General of India