Government of India
Ministry o Finance
(Department of Expenditure)

New Delhi, the 8th May, 1978


Subject:- Overtime Allowance to Central Government employee

A reference is invited to para 2 (III) of this Ministry’s Office Memorandum No. F.14(4)E. (Coord)/ 77 dated 27.5.77 which contains economy instructions on the payment of Overtime Allowance to non-industrial employees of the Central Government. While instruction contained in items (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) of the above mentioned para are in the nature of guidelines for effecting strict economy in the expenditure on Over Time Allowance, the instructions contained in item (b) thereof which lay down that the staff required to attend on Sundays and holidays should be granted compensatory leave instead of OTA are of a mandatory nature. In spite of the so instructions, it has come to the notice of this Ministry that overtime allowance is paid to non-industrial employees for wok on Sunday and holidays instead of compensatory leave. This Ministry once again emphasizes the imperative need for strict enforcement of these instructions in any case. In other words, Overtime Allowance should under no circumstances be paid for work on Sundays and holidays to non-industrial Government employees and only compensatory leave should be allowed for such work. In case, however, the employees are required to work on Sundays and holidays beyond the normal working hours, there is no objection to payment of Overtime Allowance in accordance with the provisions contained in para 3(b) (ii) of this Ministry’s OM No. 15011/2/E.II(B)/76, dated 11th August 1976 for work done beyond the normal working hours. It may also be added that compensatory leave may be granted to the extent available in relaxation of the limit of 2 days at a time provided in note 2 under para 3(b) (ii) of the Ministry’s OM No. 15011/2/E.II9B)/76, dated 11th August, 1976.

2. The above instructions apply to all categories of non-industrial staff including personal staff of Ministers.

3. Hindi version of the Office Memorandum is also enclosed.


(K. L. BAHL)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India)

To All ministries/ Departments of the Government of India
(as per standard distribution list etc.
Copy to Comptroller and Auditor General of India etc.