
Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, P.G. and Pensions

(Department of Personnel and Training)


Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market,

New Delhi, dated the   12th December, 2007





Subject  :  Policy/Guidelines issued by the Office of the Director(Canteens) –  Clarification regarding.



The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even No. dated 30.10.2007 on the above subject and to say that in order to avoid undue delay in the settlement of cases in future  it was decided that reference in the matter of giving concurrence in respect of  the following subjects/items is not required :-


(i)         Implementation of the policy relating to Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens functioning in Central Government Offices.

            (ii)        Opening/Closing/Upgradation/Downgradation of Canteens/Tiffin Rooms.

            (iii)       ACP Scheme  to canteen employees.

            (iv)       Court Cases on the subject.


2.         The matter has since been reviewed. It appeared that the delegation of power in respect of item No. (i) Policy relating to Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens functioning in Central Government Offices has created an apprehension that references on this item is also not required to be made to DOPT.  It is hereby clarified that the  power has not been delegated on this item and it shall stand deleted from the aforesaid O.M..  It is, once again, stated that the policy relating to Non-Statutory Departmental Canteens will remain with DOPT.  The other items i.e. (ii), (iii) & (iv) will be renumbered as (i), (ii) & (iii).


(Lal Singh)




1.         All Ministries/Departments of the Government of India.


Copy to :  Ad.III Section, DOPT for information and record.