Most Immediate


No. 3/7/2005-CS.II

Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions

Department of Personnel & Training

  Lok Nayak Bhavan, New Delhi-3.

Dated, 8th November ,2006.




Subject:- Nomination of LDCs from the Central Panel for promotion to UD Grade of CSCS for Select List – 2004- clarification- reg.


           The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM of even number dated 25.09.2006 nominating 160 LDCs belonging to  different categories to various Cadres of CSCS for regular appointment as UDC on their inclusion in the Select List Year 2004 and to say that it was laid down in para 4 of the OM of this Department ibid that the officials nominated from the Central Panel be relieved of their duties within 45 days to join the Cadre(s) to which they have been nominated.  It has been brought  to the notice of this Department that the LDCs are not being relieved of their duties by the cadre concerned  on one ground or the other.   It is also observed that the requests for  retention of such LDCs as regular UDC in their own Cadre are being made by the Cadres on the ground that vacancies have now become available to adjust them as regular UDC.


2.           It may be pointed out that as per statutory CSCS Rules, Select List of UDC in a Cadre is to be prepared in the ratio of 3: 1 i.e., 3 for Seniority Quota and 1 for DE Quota.   Accordingly, vacancies for the UD Grade for the Select List Year 2004 were assessed and earmarked in the ratio indicated above by the Cadre and furnished to this Department.   On the basis of the number vacancies so furnished, the range of Seniority for promotion to LDC Grade to UDC Grade for the Select List Year 2004 was fixed by this Department,  wherein, Cadres were, inter alia, requested to  furnish the number of surplus vacancies as well as the names of eligible/suitable LDCs, who could not be adjusted in their own cadres for want of adequate number of vacancies.  Based on this information received from different Cadres,160 LDCs were nominated to different Cadres where vacancies of UDC (Seniority Quota) for the Year 2004 were available.   It may be noted that the LDCs have been nominated against the vacancies identified/earmarked for the Seniority Quota for the Select List Year 2004 so as to fall in line with the Statutory requirement of preparing the Select List in the ratio of 3:1   Therefore, the presumption of the Cadres that the LDCs in question can be adjusted as regular UDCs for the Select List 2004 against the vacancies that have become available for the subsequent Select List year  is ill-conceived.  Hence, such requests of the Cadre(s) are inconsistent with the CSCS Rules.1962, and, therefore, cannot be accepted.


3.             It is further pointed out that the date of regular appointment of UDCs is crucial for fixation of Seniority in the UD Grade, in the new Cadre.   It is, therefore, requested that the LDCs nominated to different Cadres through this Department’s OM dated 25.09.2006 may be relieved of their duties immediately without any further delay, with the directions to join the new Cadre, wherever required.   Compliance Report may be sent to this Department immediately.

 .                                                                                                                                   (G.S.PUNDIR)


                                                                                                            TEL NO. 24623157


            All Ministries/Departments of CSCS