No. 7/6/2005-CS-II

Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions

Department of Personnel and Training



Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market,

New Delhi, dated the 14th Nov., 2006




Subject:    Reporting of vacancies in various grades of CSS, CSSS, and CSCS                        

                  Cadres  - Adherence to prescribed time Schedule  - regarding.



            The undersigned is directed to invite attention of all the Cadres participating in the CSS, CSSS, and CSCS to the instructions contained in this Department’s O.M. No. 4/3/2001-CS.II dated 8.8.1994 read with O.M. No. 5/15/2001-CS-II dated 18/20.9.2001 on the subject and to say that  as per the time schedule prescribed therein, the vacancies in the grades of CSS/CSSS/CSCS are required to be furnished by the  cadres to this Department by 31st August every year, first on tentative basis and later, on concrete basis by December every year.  It is noted that this time schedule is  not being adhered to by the cadres, resulting in delay in furnishing the vacancy position to the UPSC/SSC.


2.         It has now been brought to the notice of this Department by the Staff Selection Commission vide, its  D.O. No. 10/4/2006-P&P.I dated 29.8.2006 (copy enclosed) that the confirmed number of vacancies are not being reported to them in time by the cadre controlling authorities and consequently, problems arise in maintaining the schedule of the examination.  Further, in the process, the declaration of the result of the examination gets delayed, resulting in delay in nominating the candidates.  It is important and relevant to point out that the notice of the examination is required to indicate the  exact number of vacancies to be filled up, for the information of the prospective candidates since the response of candidates, especially those who would like to appear at the open  competitive examination, depends largely on the number of vacancies available for being filled up.  But, it has not been possible for the UPSC/SSC to indicate the number of vacancies, even tentatively,  owing to non-receipt of vacancy position in time from the Ministries/Departments/Offices concerned.  It has also been noted that the number of vacancies initially notified is reduced drastically by some Ministries after declaration of the result of the particular examination, thereby causing embarrassment to the Commission.  Such a situation is not desirable as it affects the chances of selection of aspiring candidates.  Apart from the above, there are instances in which the examination for the next year is notified and held by the UPSC/SSC without publishing the result of the examination of the previous year.  Under such circumstances, candidates are placed in a state of uncertainty  as to whether they should appear again at the next examination, which is not desirable. This also  leads  to a  situation   in   which   candidates   who  have




already qualified  the earlier examination get recommended/selected again  on the basis of qualifying the next examination,  and in the process, the vacancies to that extent remain unfilled for quite some time leading to avoidable delays in filling up such vacancies through the subsequent examinations. This could be avoided only if the vacancies are notified to the Commission well in time.


3.         The matter relating to reporting of vacancies in the various grades of CSS/CSSS/ /CSCS has been reviewed in this Department and the following guidelines are issued for strict observance and compliance by  all the Ministries/Departments participating in the CSS /CSSS/CSCS: -


(i)                  The number of vacancies required to be filled up in a particular recruitment year through various modes of recruitment, as prescribed under the relevant Rules, should be assessed as accurately as possible with due regard to all relevant considerations.  For this purpose, the vacancies to be taken into account should be the clear vacancies arising in a post/grade due to retirement, resignation, death, long term promotion and creation  of posts on long-term basis.  Vacancies arising out of deputation for a period exceeding one year should also be taken into account, due note, however, being kept also of the number of candidates likely to revert from deputation to the cadre during the relevant recruitment year;


(ii)                The number of vacancies so assessed to be filled up in a grade during the relevant recruitment (Select List ) Year should be reported to the CS Division, first on tentative basis by 30th April and later on concrete basis, by 31st August of the particular recruitment year.  For instance, the vacancies meant for the Select List Year 2007 should be furnished in the prescribed proforma to this Division , on tentative basis by 30.4.2007 and on concrete basis by 31.8.2007.  All the columns in the proforma may be filled up carefully without giving any scope for seeking  further clarifications from the cadre concerned. The vacancies that are not furnished in the prescribed proforma or are  received after the last date will not be taken into account and no candidate will be nominated to the cadre concerned even if a candidate of that cadre figures in the list of qualified candidates. This may please be noted.


(iii)               Under no circumstances, the revision of vacancies either upward or downward initially notified to this Department by the cadres will be entertained after the declaration of result of the written part of the examination by the UPSC/SSC.  If there are compelling circumstances to do so, then full justification for the same should be furnished with the approval of the Joint Secretary (Admn.) concerned. 


4.         All the Cadre Controlling authorities are advised to follow the above mentioned guidelines scrupulously.  The vacancy position in all grades for the Select List Year  2006 may please be furnished to this Department immediately assuming that the vacancies reported to this Department for the earlier Select List Year(s) would  have been filled up. Vacancy position in respect of CSS may be addressed to Shri R.K. Ojha, Deputy Secretary(CS-I).



Encl: As above


(M.C. Luther)

Deputy Secretary to the Government of India

Tele.No. 24622365.





            All Cadre Controlling Authorities


Copy for information to DS(CS-I) in respect of CSS.