
DoP&T O.M. No. 8/7/87-CS.II Dated 21-1-88


Appointment of officers on the Personal Staff of Ministers/Deputy Minister.

In this Department's O.M.No.B/5/85-CS.II dated .4.4.85 the scale of Personal Staff for Ministers/Deputy Ministers/Parliamentary Secretaries was laid down. In terms of this Department's O.M.No. 6/3/55-CS.(A) dated 30.6.55 the Ministers and Deputy Ministers have the option to choose their Personal Staff either from serving personnel or from outside. While recruitment to posts in the Government are governed by the provisions of the recruitment rules, such as educational/qualification, age limit etc. no recruitment rules have been framed for the posts on the Personal Staff of Ministers/Deputy Ministers. The question whether the requirement of being within the age limit or possessing requisite educational qualification in the case of Personal Staff of Ministers/Deputy Ministers is to be insisted upon has been examined and the following clarifications are issued for information and guidance of all Ministries/Department :-

  1. No upper age limit need to be insisted upon provided the incumbent cannot hold any post after attaining the age of 58 years.
  2. Educational Qualifications including typing, Shorthand speed for corresponding posts, will have to be satisfied.
  3. Relaxation on (i) and (ii) above can be done only with the concurrence of the Department of Personnel & Training.