O.M.No.14/11/91-JCA dated 23-1-1996
Subject: | One woolen jersey every two years at places classified as All Winter Stations / Both Summer and Winter Stations to Group D employees. |
The undersigned is directed to say that certain identified categories of Group D employees like Peon, Daftaries, Sweepers, Chowkidars, Jamadar, etc. in the Central Secretariat and its attached and subordinate offices are supplied two woolen full sleeve jerseys ( ordinary quality ) in a period of three years at places classified as "All Winter Stations" / Both Summer and Winter Stations".
2. The question of improvement in quality of jersey has been under discussion in the National Council (JCM). It has now been decided that, instead of two woolen jerseys in three years, the employees may be supplied better quality of one woolen jersey every two years through DGS & D rate contract ( specification Dark Blue G / Tex / W-69 / 1992 ). The current price range is Rs.169 to 199 depending upon size. In addition to DGS & D, jersey within the above price range can be procured also through Super Bazar, Kendriya Bhandar or other State Government Agencies ( through Government Emporia).
3. This issues with the approval of Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide U.O.No.F.7(2) E.II (A) / 95, dated 14-12-1995.