O.M.No.14/8/90-JCA, dated the 29th June, 1990
The supply of uniforms to certain identified categories of Group C & D employees in the Central Secretariat and its attached / subordinate offices is to be regulated as per policy guidelines indicated herein.
2. Classes of employees eligible for uniforms:
Staff Car Drivers, Despatch Riders, Senior Gestetner Operators in Group C and all Group D employees of the categories of Jamadars, Daftaries, peons, Messengers, Record Sorters, Chowkidars, Farashes, Sweepers and Junior Gestetner Operators, borne on the regular establishment are eligible for issue of uniforms after completing 3 months service, provided they are whole-time employees.
2.1 Group D employees whose work, by its very nature, does not involve work in offices are not eligible to get uniforms. In the case of employees not covered by those orders and technical and specialized Group D staff such as Library or Laboratory Attendants, Compounders, male or female Nurses or Nursing Orderlies, bearers etc., the Ministries administratively concerned should themselves decide the question of issue of uniforms and scales thereof in consultation with the appropriate financial authorities, subject to the following:- ( O.M.No.14/8/86-JCA (Vol.III) dated 23-7-1987 ).
(a) | Liveries for the employees of a category in one Department or Ministry only. | Administrative Ministry/Department |
(b) | Liveries for employees common to all Ministries. | Ministry of Personnel, etc. |
(c) | Liveries for the categories common to more than one Ministry. | To be decided depending on the main Ministry which has the expertise and more employees of the category, for example, in case of uniform to Nurses, the nodal Ministry would be Health Ministry. |
The scale of entitlement for common categories of Groups C and D employees has been indicated in the Annexure I.
2.2 Protective Clothings:
The whole-time employees of the categories of Malis, Bhisties and Waterman borne on the regular establishments of Government of India, other than those employees in the Ministry of Railways and the P & T Department will be supplied only the protective clothings as per laid down scale included in Annexure I. However, these categories are eligible for grant of washing allowance @ Rs.30/- per month. [ O.M.No.14/4/86-JCA (Vol.II) dated 19-7-1989 and O.M.No.14/9/95-JCA dated 12-12-2000 ]
3. Climatic classification of places:
The eligible categories of Groups C and D employees are supplied summer as well as winter uniforms as per laid down pattern and schedule based on classification of different places on climatic considerations as "all summer stations", "all winter stations" and "both summer and winter stations". Any new places will be notified by the Department of Personnel and Training in consultation with the India Meteorological Department on the following basis:-
Places where the average daily minimum temperature in the coldest month of the year does not fall below 11.7 C ( 53 F ) will be deemed to be "All Summer Stations".
Places where the average daily minimum temperature prevailing during the whole year is 11.7 C ( 53 F) or below will be deemed to be "All Winter Stations".
Places where the average daily minimum temperature falls below 11.7 C ( 53 F ) in winter and rises above that in summer will be deemed to be " Both Summer and Winter Stations".
4. Summer uniforms:
Scale of entitlement has been indicated in Annexure I.
The summer uniform consists of polyvastra bush-shirt (cloth to be procured from KVIC) (67% polyester + 33% khadi) at the rate contract finalized by the DGS & D from time to time and terricot pant (cloth to be procured from NTC). The cloth requirement per bush-shirt is 2.25 metres with 70 cm. Width for half-sleeve, and 3 metres for full-sleeve bush shirt. For the terricot pant, the cloth is to be procured from National Textile Corporation shade No.11 TNPs subsidiary Prince quality @ [Rs.86] per metre (or as notified ) with cloth requirement 1.20 metres for one pant. As the requirement of cloth is based on individual measurement, the length of cloth should be supplied accordingly. [ O.M.No.14/8/86-JCA, dated 9-3-1989 and 13-4-1989 ].
4.1 The employees posted at Delhi / New Delhi who were earlier supplied two polyvastra bush-shirts in half-sleeve as a part of summer uniforms, are to be supplied one half-sleeve and one full-sleeve and the Staff Car Drivers one full-sleeve and two half-sleeve bush shirts. [ O.M.No.4/1/82-JCA, dated 17-4-1990 ].
4.2 At places outside Delhi / New Delhi, the employees Coordination Committees or the Heads of Offices ( where such Committees are not functioning ) would decide having regard to climatic considerations whether the polyvastra bush-shirt would be in half-sleeve or full-sleeve, in consultation with the employees representatives. This decision would apply to all offices at the particular station and that there should be uniformity either half-sleeve or full-sleeve for individual offices at one station. [O.M.No.14/9/81-JCA, dated 6-12-1984 ].
5. Winter uniforms:
Scale of entitlement has been indicated in Annexure-I. The woolen cloth for winter uniforms is to be procured either from the British-India Corporation, Kanpur, direct or from the approved agencies of the National Textile Corporation. No other local dealer has been authorized for this purpose. The cloth requirement per woolen suit is 2.75 metres @ [Rs.160] per metre ( or as notified ) which includes all expenses for supply to any destination in India like transportaion, insurance, octroi etc. [O.M.No.14/4/89-JCA, dated 26-2-1990 ].
5.1 Group D employees covered by this Departments instructions contained in this Handbook, whose duties are round the clock and involve work in the open, including work at nights, at places which have been categorized as "all summer", but where, during the winter months the minimum temperature at night ranges between 11.7 C and 15.6 C ( 53.60 F ), may be supplied with one woolen jersey, every three years. [ O.M.No.14/5/72-JCA, dated 2-4-1975 ].
6. Supply to relate to seasons:
Ministries and Departments should make every possible effort to supply the various articles of uniforms at the commencement of season for which they are intended. Ordinarily, summer and winter seasons are reckoned to commence on the 1st April and 1st October respectively. The Ministries, etc., can, however, use their discretion in deciding the dates from which the two seasons should be deemed to commence; but once the dates are fixed, they should not be altered from year to year. In no case should uniforms be supplied after the expiry of the season for which they are intended. The life of uniforms should be reckoned on a seasonal basis. [O.M.No.23/9/70-JCA, dated 4-12-197}. ( Also see Para 6 of O.M. dated 12-12-2000 ).
7. Stitching of uniforms:
The common categories of Groups C and D Staff eligible for supply of uniforms may be given the required cloth (Summer and Winter ) to enable them to have the uniforms stitched as per the laid down pattern. [O.M.No.14/8/86-JCA, dated 9-3-1989 ].
7.1 It may please be noted that the reimbursement of stitching charges at the prescribed rates should be done only after the stitched uniforms are produced which are duly stamped with an indelible ink at an appropriate place on the wrong side of the stitched dress for identification. A proper record and procedure should be evolved to ensure that the employees produce the stitched uniforms within a reasonable period (say, one month ) after the cloth was supplied to them [ O.M.No.14/2/90-JCA, dated 2-5-1990 and O.M.No.14/4/2000-JCA, dated 18-12-2000 ].
8. Proper use, care and maintenance of uniforms:
The employees provided with uniforms are required to turn out in proper and clean uniforms. Non-wearing of proper uniforms not only attract disciplinary action but further supply of uniforms is to be discontinued if the employee is found to be attending to his duties without wearing uniforms regularly. [O.M.No.19/4/86-JCA, dated 13-9-1989 ].
In order to ensure compliance by individual employee, the desirability of introducing a system of parade for these employees may be considered and for this purpose an officer of an appropriate level may be designated as Inspecting Officer for parade and cases of delinquencies may be suitably dealt with by the Ministries / Departments / Offices. [O.M.No.14/26/76-JCA, dated 2-8-1976 ].
9. Washing Allowance:
The common categories of Groups C and D employees mentioned above (Para 2) are eligible for grant of Washing Allowance @ Rs.30/- per month (O.M.No.14/9/95-JCA, dated 12-12-2000 ). It is for the Ministries / Departments to satisfy themselves that the allowance is actually spent for the purpose for which it is granted. No deduction, whatsoever, of Washing Allowance, need be made for the period of any leave taken by the employee concerned. [O.M.No.14/14/80-JCA, dated 21-5-1981 ].
10. Supply of shoes / chappals:
The shoes / chappals as a part of uniform are to be procured from the approved agencies of Bharat Leather Emporium, Super Bazaar, K.V.I.C. authorized outlets, Leathera ( F.30 Connaught Place, New Delhi, a Punjab Government Concern ) and Kendriya Bhandar at the rate fixed by this Department from time to time. In so far as Government Offices located outside Delhi, the choice is left to them either to make purchases from the approved agencies where available or from Consumer Co-operative Stores. The existing rates of shoes / chappals notified by this Departments O.M.No.14/7/89-JCA, dated 19-2-1990, should be followed.
The above orders will apply for procurement up to one lakh rupees, subject to any other limitations laid down by the DGS & D rate-contract.
11. Special shoes for orthopaedically handicapped:
As per agreement with the staff representatives of the National Council (JCM), the Orthopaedically handicapped employees can be supplied special type of shoes (in lieu of the normal shoes/chappals ), based on the Medical Certificate from the Competent Authority. [ O.M.No.14/8/86-JCA, dated 22-1-1987 ].
12. Cap discontinued:
As a result of agreement with the Staff Side of the National Council, orders were issued to discontinue Cap as a part of uniform for common categories of Groups C and D employees. However, there should be no change in respect of supply and entitlement of turbans to Sikh employees and to non-Sikh employees as are habitually accustomed to wear turban. The Staff Car Drivers would continue to be supplied peak-caps [ O.M.No.14/12/86-JCA, dated 17-1-1987 ].
13. Khadi-woollen overcoat for Despatch Riders:
It is also clarified that the woolen-khadi overcoat to be supplied to the Despatch Riders in terms of this Departments O.M.No.4/17/80-JCA, dated 9-1-1984, may be supplied in addition to the other extra items like goggles, gloves and leather jacket where permissible.
[ see OM dated 15-5-1995 One
additional khadi Overcoat every five years to Despatch Riders of three-wheelers ].
14. Surrender, withdrawal, recovery and re-issue of uniforms:
The supply of uniforms is subject to the condition that these cannot be claimed as a right and that the uniforms do not become the personal property of the employee. In the event of discharge, promotion or resignation of an employee, all items of uniforms should be withdrawn from him or proportionate cost thereof recovered. Similar action should be taken in the case of employees who are retired compulsorily as a result of disciplinary proceedings. All items of uniforms should be withdrawn from Group C and Group D employees who are under suspension. Uniforms may again be supplied to them if and when they are reinstated in service, and the period of suspension should be excluded in determining the date of entitlement for next issue. When a Group C and / or Group D employee is transferred to another Ministry / Department / Office, the uniforms issued to him need not be withdrawn, but the transferring Ministry / Department / Office should send a full account of the items of uniforms supplied to the employee concerned, showing the date(s) of issue and indicating the date(s) when the items are due to him next. [ O.M.No.23/9/70-JCA, dated 4-12-1971 ].
14.1 In the case of employees retiring on superannuation pension:-
(a) Summer uniforms:
No uniform be issued to Groups C and D employees who are due to retire within three months from the date they become eligible for the issue of uniforms;
One set of uniform may be issued to such of those employees who are due to retire within one year ( Not less than 3 months ) from the date they are eligible for the supply of uniforms;
Complete set of uniforms may be issued to such of these employees who are due to retire after one year from the date they become eligible for the issue of uniforms. (No.14/7/90-JCA, date 24-7-1990 ).
(b) Winter uniforms:
No item of winter uniform may be supplied unless it could be used by the employees for at least half of its prescribed life before retirement. [O.M.No.14/18/80-JCA, dated 15-12-1980 ].
14.2 Uniform should not be withdrawn from employees who are suffering or have suffered, from infectious or contagious diseases, or from those who die while in service. In cases where any item of uniforms issued to a Group C and Group D employees is lost due to theft or fire, which was not due to his own negligence, the administrative authorities may, at their discretion, issue a fresh item of uniforms on receipt of a copy of the First Information Report from the Police or Fire authorities. Action to write off the loss may be taken in consultation with the appropriate financial authorities, after the Police have confirmed that there are no chances of the theft being traced. [O.M.No.23/9/70-JCA, dated 4-12-1971 ].
14.3 All possible efforts should be made to re-issue the withdrawn uniforms, especially the costly items like overcoats, leather jackets and blankets, to other employees for the remaining portion of the life of the items. Items of uniforms which cannot be so re-issued, should be disposed of to the best advantage of Government in accordance with the general financial provisions governing the disposal of obsolete stores. [ O.M.No.23/9/70-JCA, dated 4-12-1971 ].
15. Supply of water-proof coats, umbrellas and crash helmets:
A pool of water-proof coats and umbrellas should be formed on the basis of one umbrella and one water-proof coat for every three Peons, Messengers, Despatch Riders, etc. out of the entire Group C and Group D staff employed on outdoor duties in a Ministry or Office in Delhi / New Delhi and other similar and "All Summer Stations". A separate provision should also be made in the pool for one or two water-proof coats for 3 or 4 Staff Car Drivers. At stations having an annual rainfall of 76cms or more, the local Heads of the Offices may, if considered necessary on the basis of actual requirements, increase the number of umbrellas and water-proof coats in their pool up to twice the number prescribed above. Umbrellas or water-proof coats should be issued from the pool as and when needed, and should be promptly restored to the pool when the need is over. These umbrellas and water-proof coats should be replaced only after they are completely worn out, but in no case before two and three years, respectively. [O.M.No.23/9/70-JCA, dated 4-12-1971 ].
15.1 The scale of umbrellas and water-proof coats for which employees at "All Winter Stations" are eligible has been specifically indicated in Annexure-II. [O.M.No.23/9/70-JCA, dated 4-12-1971 ].
15.2 Staff Car Drivers who are generally required to work with Ministers or Officials of the status of Secretary / Additional Secretary may be issued water-proof coats on individual basis during the rainy season subject to the condition that the water-proof coats will be withdrawn from them after the rainy season. [ O.M.No.14/25/76-JCA, dated 23-2-1977 ].
15.3 Each of the Despatch Riders ( two wheelers / motor cycle / scooter drivers) may be provided with a crash helmet(without peaks ). [O.M.No.23/14/70-JCA, dated 25-5-1972 ].
15.4 The helmets would be made of glass fibre reinforced plastic in white finish and would conform to ISI Specification No.4151/63. In view of the fact that the helmets have long durability, there should normally be no need for their replacement except when it becomes necessary due to damage in an accident or for any other unavoidable reason or due to normal wear and tear over a large number of years. [O.M.No.23/14/70-JCA, dated 25-5-1972 ].
15.5 The helmets may be purchased locally at competitive rates after inviting quotations [O.M.No.23/14/70-JCA, dated 25-5-1972 ].
16. Uniforms for female employees:
The eligible common categories of female Group D employees are supplied 2 sarees with 3 matching blouses and 3 petticoats in a period of one year. The sarees are to be procured from the National Textile Corporation @ [Rs.172 ] per saree ( or as notified). The specification for the blouse is poplene or khadi cloth and for the petticoats, I.S.3771-1966. [ O.M.No.14/7/86-JCA, dated 20-7-1987 and 20-6-1988 ].
Such of the female Group D employees who may be habitual wearers of salwar-kameez and dupatta may be issued these livery items in lieu of saree, blouse and petticot subject to the condition that the cost of salwar-kameez and dupatta and the stitching charges taken together should not exceed the cost of sarees, blouse and petticot. The cloth issued for salwar-kameez and dupatta should correspond to the usual type of cloth prescribed for uniform. The length of the dupatta could be such as is considered normally adequate for the purpose.
17. Procurement of liveries:
The Government Departments are required to procure all livery items as per prescribed specification ( Annexure-II) at the rate contract fixed by the DGS & D except for the items for which separate approved agencies have been laid down ( as in the case of woolen cloth, terricot cloth for pants, sarees for lady employees and shoes / chappals ). Where local purchase is permissible as per orders issued by the DGS & D and in terms of the General Financial Rules, prescribed procedure should be followed in this regard. Where local purchase is permissible ( as per limit laid down by the Department of Supply ) and the local rates are higher than the rate contract fixed by the DGS & D, such purchases could be made by the Administrative Ministries in consultation with their Integrated Finance as per O.M.No.14/25/72-JCA, dated 22-5-1973.