New Delhi, dated March 18, 1998. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject :Improvement in Service Conditions of Faculty Members in Training Institution-Revision of rate of Training Allowance-Recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission. The undersigned is directed to say that in terms of this Department’s Office Memorandum No. 12017/2/86-Trg. Dated 9th July, 1992, the training allowance at the rate of 15% of the basic pay is granted to employees of the Government who join training institutes meant for training Government officials, as faculty members, other than as permanent faculty members. Consequent upon the decision taken by the Government on the recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission, the President is pleased to decide that training allowance, wherever it is admissible, shall be allowed at the rate of 15% of the basic pay in the revised scale of pay. This allowance shall not be granted to the permanent faculty members of the training institutes. The trainers, who are granted training allowance shall not be entitled to special pay/deputation (duty) allowance.
(Kalpana Amar) |
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