No. 28(10)/84-P&PW.Vol.II Government of India/ Bharat Sarkar Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare-
6th Floor, Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi-110001
Dated, the 7th February 1986
The Chief Secretaries of all the State Governments
Subject: Counting of service for purpose of Pension of employees of Central Government and Central Autonomous Bodies seeking absorption in Autonomous Bodies under the state Governments and vice-versa. ******************************************************
I am directed to say that in August, 1984, Central Government had issued orders that where a Central Government employee borne on pensionable establishment is allowed to be absorbed in a Central Autonomous Body having a pension scheme of its own, the service rendered by him under the Government shall be allowed to be counted towards pension under the Autonomous Body irrespective of whether the employees was temporary or permanent in Government, subject to certain conditions. The same procedure will apply in the case of employees of the Autonomous Bodies who are permanently absorbed under the Central Government. Certain employees of the State Governments and State Autonomous Bodies, who joined the Central Autonomous Bodies/Statutory Bodies, have also represented that their service under the State Government/State Autonomous Body may be allowed to be counted towards pension under Central Autonomous Body where they are presently working. Similarly, certain Central Government servants and employees of the Central Autonomous Bodies/Statutory Bodies might have joined Autonomous Bodies/Statutory Bodies (excluding public undertakings) of the State Governments and may be desirous of getting the benefit of counting of service under Central Government/Autonomous Bodies towards pension in the organisations where they are presently working.
2. In the circumstances explained above, it was felt that reciprocal arrangements may be entered into with the various State Governments to the effect that where employees of the State Governments/State Autonomous Bodies/State Statutory Bodies, have been absorbed in the Central Autonomous Bodies, they may be allowed the same benefits as have been extended to the Central Government servants and vice-versa.
3. The question of extension of various benefits like counting of service etc. in the case of (i) employees of Central Government absorbed in State Autonomous Bodies and (ii) employees of Central Autonomous Bodies absorbed in State Governments and State Autonomous Bodies, and vice-versa has been considered in consultation with the State Governments. After careful consideration, the President has now been pleased to decide that these cases may be decided in accordance with the principles as laid down in the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms OM No.28/10/84-Pension Unit dated 29-8-84 (copy enclosed). The cases of Central Government servants appointed in State Governments and vice-versa will continue to be decided as hitherto.
4. Similar orders regarding counting of service of the Central Government employees in the event of their absorption in the State Autonomous Bodies and employees of the Central Autonomous Bodies in the State Governments, and State Autonomous Bodies as well as orders regarding acceptance of pension liability etc. in respect of State Government and State Autonomous Bodies, employees absorbed in Central Autonomous Bodies and employees of State Autonomous Bodies absorbed in Central Government will be issued by the respective State Governments.
5. These orders shall apply to employees of the State Governments and State Autonomous Bodies moving to Central Government/Central Autonomous Bodies in respect of the State Governments listed below: -
(1) Karnataka (8) Uttar Pradesh (2) Madhya Pradesh (9) Bihar (3) Punjab (10) Gujarat (4) Rajasthan (11) Assam (5) Sikkim (12) Meghalaya (6) Tripura (13) Himachal Pradesh (7) West Bengal
These orders shall be extended to the employees of other State Governments as and when they agree to similar reciprocal arrangements.
6. These orders will apply to the employees of the Central Government moving in State Autonomous Bodies and employees of Central Autonomous Bodies to the State Governments and their Autonomous Bodies mentioned in para-5 above and vice-versa who are in service on the date of issue of these orders, irrespective of the date of their absorption.
7. So far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these issue after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India.
Yours faithfully, Sd/- (HAZARA SINGH) Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Note: The applicability of above orders has been extended to the following States from the date indicated against each:
(14) Andhra Pd. 17-06-1986 (20) Arunachal Pd. 27-05-1988 (15) Kerala 30-10-1986 (21) Nagaland 07-09-1988 (16) J&K 20-03-1987 (22) Manipuri 20-09-1988 (17) Mizoram 07-03-1988 (23) Haryana 20-07-1989 (18) Tamilnadu 18-04-1988 (24) Orissa 14-02-1990 (19) Goa 27-05-1988 (25) Maharashtra 13-07-1992
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